Information for Shareholders of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” 

JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” (hereinafter referred to as the Company) hereby informs regarding resolutions and decisions adopted at the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company:

Date, time and venue of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company:

February 26, 2019, 11:00 a.m., 7th floor, 14/3 Kunayev Street, Astana city, Republic of Kazakhstan.

Issues included into the agenda of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company:

  1. On the approval the transaction and signing the sale-purchase agreement for the property of “MAEK-Kazatomprom” Limited Liability Partnership.
  2. On approval of the staffing table and salary scheme of employees of JSC "Mangistau Regional Power Grid Company", to be introduced from April 1, 2019.

Resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company:

  1. To approve the transaction and signing the sale-purchase agreement for the property of “MAEK-Kazatomprom” Limited Liability Partnership on bidding sale.

1.1. To authorize the Chairman of the Board of JSC "Mangistau Regional Power Grid Company", Mr. Igissinov S.Zh. to sign the sale - purchase agreement and other documents related to the conclusion of the agreement, and to implement actions arising from this resolution.

  1. To approve the staffing table and salary scheme of employees of JSC "Mangistau Regional Power Grid Company", to be introduced from April 1, 2019.

2.1. To authorize the Chairman of the Company's Management Board (Mr. Igissinov S.Zh.) to take the necessary measures arising from this resolution.

Legal Department of JSC "Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company" 

Information to be communicated to shareholders and investors of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company”

JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” hereby informs you about resolutions taken at another general meeting of shareholders held on November 19, 2018 at 11:00, at the conference room of the Company office at the address: building 97, micro-district 29 A, Aktau, Mangistau region, Kazakhstan.

Resolutions and Decisions Adopted:

  1. To determine “Deloitte” LLP as an audit organization auditing the Company for 2018.
  2. To authorize the Chairman of the Company's Management Board to take the necessary measures arising from this decision.

Information for Shareholders

JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” (hereinafter referred to as the Company) hereby notifies you on the resolutions adopted at the annual general meeting of the shareholders held on August, 28, 2018 at 11:00 a.m. in the conference room of the Company Office in Aktau, Mangistau Region, Republic of Kazakhstan.
Decisions and resolutions adopted:
1) Amendments and additions to the Charter of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” have been made.
2) The policy of remuneration and / or reimbursement of expenses of independent directors of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” approved by a decision of the General Meeting of Shareholders of JSC “Mangistau Power Distribution Company” dated July 30, 2015 has been cancelled.
2.1 The Regulation on the Interaction of the Shareholders of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company”, approved by the decision of the General Meeting of Shareholders of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” dated November 15, 2015, has been abolished.
3) The attached financial statements of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” for 2017 has been approved of.
4) The attached report on the execution of the Budget of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” for 2017 has been taken into account.
5) The Regulation on business trips of employees of Joint Stock Company “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” has been approved.


Information for Shareholders

JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” (hereinafter referred to as the Company) hereby notifies you on the resolutions adopted at the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company held on June 28, 2018 at 11:00 a.m. in the conference room of the Company Office in Aktau, Mangistau Region, Republic of Kazakhstan.
Decisions and resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company:
1) To convene an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Company:
1.2) To determine the date of the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Company: July 30, 2018;
1.3) To determine the venue of the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Company: building 97, micro-district 29 A, Aktau, Mangistau region, Kazakhstan;
1.4) To determine the time of the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Company: 11:00 a.m.;
1.5) To determine the start time for registration of participants of the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Company: 10:15 a.m.; and the end of registration of participants of the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Company: 10:45 a.m.;
1.6) To determine the date of the adjourned extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Company: July 31, 2018;
1.7) To determine the time of the adjourned extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Company: 11:00 a.m.;
1.8) To determine the start time for registration of participants of the adjourned extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Company: 10:15 a.m.; and the end of registration of participants of the adjourned extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Company: 10:45 a.m.;
1.9) To determine the date for compiling the list of shareholders entitled to participate in the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Company and vote on it: July 23, 2018.
2) To approve the following agenda of the meeting:
2.1) On approval of the annual report of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” for 2017.


Information for Shareholders

JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” (hereinafter referred to as the Company) hereby notifies you on the resolutions adopted at the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company held on June 8, 2018, at 11:00 at 11:00 a.m. in the conference room of the Company Office in Aktau, Mangistau Region, Republic of Kazakhstan.
Decisions and resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company:
1) “On the formation of the Committees of the Board of Directors of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company”.
2) “On approval of the List of positions of executives and managerial employees of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company”, whose appointment (election) or coordination of the appointment (election) is carried out by the Board of Directors of JSC “Mangistau Power Distribution Company”. 
3) “On approval of the risk register of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” for 2018”.
4) “On consideration of the report on the implementation of the risk register of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” for the 1st quarter of 2018”. 
5) “On consideration of the report on the state of labor protection and occupational injuries in JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” for the 1st quarter of 2018”.
6) “On approval of the staffing of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company”, to be emplemented from June 01, 2018.
7) “On convening the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of JSC“Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” on the following issues:

1) On incorporating amendments and additions to the Charter of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company”.

2) On approval of the annual financial statements of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” for 2017.

3) On approval of the report on the execution of the Budget of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” for 2017.

4) On approval of the regulations on official business trips of employees of Joint Stock Company “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company”.


Information for Shareholders

JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” (hereinafter referred to as the Company) hereby notifies you on the resolutions adopted at the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company held on April 10, 2018 at 11:00 a.m. in the conference room of the Company Office in Aktau, Mangistau Region, Republic of Kazakhstan.
Decisions and resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company:
1) “On the appointment of the Ombudsman of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company”.”
2) “On approval of the List of issues on decisions made by the Board of Directors of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company”, information about which should be brought to the attention of shareholders and investors.”. 
3) “On consideration of the risk management report with a description and analysis of key risks, as well as information on the implementation of plans and programs to minimize the risks of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” for the 4th quarter of 2017”.
4) “On convening an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” on the following issue:“ On termination of the services contract of the counting commission with JSC “The Integtated Securities Registrar”. 
5) On convening an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” on the following issue: “On determining the number and term of office of the counting commission, electing its members”.
6) “On Amendments to the amount of the approved Investment Program of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” for 2018 from 4,343,368 thousand KZT to the amount of 8,501,433 thousand KZT”.
7) “On convening an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” on the following issue: On early termination of powers of a member of the Board of Directors and election of a member of the Board of Directors of the Company ”.”


Information for Shareholders

JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” (hereinafter referred to as the Company) hereby notifies you on the resolutions adopted at the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders held on May 10, 2018 at 11:00 a.m. at the following address: Office of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company”, building 97, micro-district 29 A, town of Aktau, 130000 Mangistau Region, Republic of Kazakhstan.
The following decisions were made on the agenda: 
1) To terminate the counting commission services contract with “The Integtated Securities Registrar” JSC. 
2) To elect members of the counting commission in the following composition, for a term of office of 3 (three) years:
- Deputy Head of the Legal Department of the Company;

- Head of the Department of Financial and Tax Accounting of the Company;

- Corporate Secretary of the Company.
3) To terminate the powers of a member of the Board of Directors early and elect a member of the Board of Directors of the Company.


Information for Shareholders

JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” (hereinafter referred to as the Company) hereby notifies you on the resolutions adopted at the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company held on September 19, 2013, at 2:00p.m. in the conference room of the Company Office in Aktau, Mangistau Region, Republic of Kazakhstan.
Decisions and resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company:
1) To approve the Company's Development Plan for 2013-2015 upfront, taking adjustments into account;
2) To approve the Action Plan for the implementation of the Company's Development Strategy for 2012-2022;
3) To approve the Rules for Identification and Risk Assessment of the Company;
4) To convene an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Company.


Information for Shareholders

JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” (hereinafter referred to as the Company) hereby notifies you on the resolutions adopted at the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders held on August 08, 2013 at 3:00 p.m. at the following address: Office of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company”, Po Box 250, area of the Poultry Factory, town of Aktau, 130000 Mangistau Region, Republic of Kazakhstan.
The following decisions were made on the agenda: 
1) To approve of the long-term development strategy of the Company for 2012-2022.


Information for Shareholders

JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” (hereinafter referred to as the Company) hereby notifies you on the resolutions adopted at the absentee meeting of the Board of Directors held on August 1, 2013 at 2:30 p.m. at the address: office No. 311, Samruk-Energy JSC, Block E, 17 Kabanbai Batyr Avenue, Astana city , Republic of Kazakhstan.

The following decisions were made on the agenda:                               

1) To approve the work plan of the Company's Board of Directors for the 2nd half of 2013;

2) To approve the rules for setting limits on balance sheets and off-balance sheet liabilities to counterparty banks of the Company;

3) Approve the Company's Risk Management Policy;

4) To approve the Policy on Settlement of Corporate Conflicts and Conflicts of Interest in the Company


Information for Shareholders

JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” (hereinafter referred to as the Company) hereby notifies you on the resolutions adopted at the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company held on July 04, 2013, at 10:00 a.m. at the following address: office No. 312, Samruk-Energy JSC, Block E, 17 Kabanbai Batyr Avenue, Astana city , Republic of Kazakhstan.

The following decisions were made on the agenda:  

  1. To pre-approve the long-term development strategy of the Company for 2012-2022.
  2. To convene an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company on August 08, 2013.


Information for Shareholders

JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” (hereinafter referred to as the Company) hereby notifies you on the resolutions adopted at the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company held on May 27, 2013 at 2:30p.m. at the following address: conference-hall, Block E, 17 Kabanbai Batyr Avenue, Astana city , Republic of Kazakhstan.

The following decisions were made on the agenda:

  1. To elect Mr. Berlibayev A.A. as the Chairman of the Board of the Company.


Information on Distributions

JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” (hereinafter referred to as the Company) hereby notifies payment of dividends on common and preferred shares of the Company located at: area of the Poultry Factory, town of Aktau, Mangistau Region, Republic of Kazakhstan, TIN 430600001461, BIN 920440000302, BIC HSBKKZKX  in “Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan” JSC, IBAN KZ456010231000005048 (KZT), Beneficiary’s code 17 – in monetary funds, in the national currency of the Republic of Kazakhstan, by bank transfer.

The period for which dividends are paid: 2012. Date of fixation of the register of securities holders: 00:00 of May 29, 2013.

The dividend payment period is from May 30, 2013 through June 28, 2013. Dividend amount: 58.5 KZT per one preferred share; KZT 124.36 per common share


Information for a Shareholder

JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” (hereinafter referred to as the Company) hereby notifies you on the resolutions adopted at the absentee meeting of the Board of Directors held on May 08, 2013 at 2:30 p.m. at the following address: conference-hall, Block E, 17 Kabanbai Batyr Avenue, Astana city , Republic of Kazakhstan.

The following decisions were made on the agenda:

  1. To pre-approve the attached annual financial statements of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” for 2012.
  2. To propose to the general meeting of shareholders of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” to determine the following order of distribution of the net income of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” for 2012 in the amount of 333,234,313 (Three hundred thirty three million two hundred thirty four thousand three hundred and thirteen) KZT:

1) 249,925,735 (Two hundred forty nine million nine hundred twenty five thousand seven hundred and thirty five) KZT to be paid as dividends on common shares of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company”;

2) 83,308,578 (Eighty three million three hundred eight thousand five hundred and seventy eight) to be left at the disposal of JSC "Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company".

To propose to the general meeting of shareholders to determine the size of the dividend per one common share of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” in the amount of 124,36 KZT (One hundred and twenty-four tenge 36 tiyn).

  1. Determine the amount of payment for the services of an audit company auditing the JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” for 2013 in the amount of 8,500,000 (eight million five hundred thousand) KZT excluding VAT.


Information for Shareholders

JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” (hereinafter referred to as the Company) hereby notifies shareholders of the Company about convening an annual general meeting of shareholders at the initiative of the Board of Directors of the Company, which will be held on May 27, 2013, at 3:00 p.m. at the following address: Office of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company”, area of the Poultry Factory, town of Aktau. Registration of shareholders shall be from 2.45 p.m. The list of shareholders entitled to participate in the meeting will be compiled by the Company's registrar as of May 17, 2013.

Shareholders can familiarize themselves with the agenda materials between April 26, 2013 and May 27, 2013 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the following address: Office of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company”, area of the Poultry Factory, town of Aktau.

In the absence of a quorum, the adjourned annual general meeting of shareholders will be held on May 28, 2013 at 3:00 p.m.


1) To approve a new edition of the Charter of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company”;

2) To approve the annual financial statements of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” for 2012;

3) To approve the procedure for distributing the net income of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” for the reporting fiscal year, decide on the payment of dividends on common shares and approve the amount of dividend per one common share of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company”;

4) To determine the audit company for the audit of activity of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” for 2013.


Information for Shareholders

JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” (hereinafter referred to as the Company) hereby notifies you on the resolutions adopted at the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company held on March 13, 2013 at 10:00p.m. at the following address: conference-hall, Samruk-Energy JSC, Block E, 17 Kabanbai Batyr Avenue, Astana city , Republic of Kazakhstan.

 The following decisions were made on the agenda:

  1. To start implementation of the priority required measures for 2013 of the investment program for “MRENC” JSC for 2013-2015 according to the list approved by the Management Board of “MRENC” JSC. 
  2. To issue coupon bonds within the first bond program to attract borrowed funds and implement the approved investment program of “MRENC” JSC for 2013-2015 in accordance with the attached parameters in the manner prescribed by law.


Information for Shareholders

JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” (hereinafter referred to as the Company) hereby notifies you on the resolutions adopted at the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders held on March 04, 2013 at 3:00 p.m. at the following address: area of the Poultry Factory, town of Aktau, Mangistau Region, 130000 Republic of Kazakhstan.

The following decisions were made on the agenda:

  1. To terminate prematurely the powers of the Chairman of the Board of Directors Mr. Maksutov K.B. and the member of the Board of Directors of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” Shunayeva S.A.
  2. To elect the following members to the Board of Directors of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” for the term of office of the Board of Directors of JSC “Mangistau Regional Electricity Network Company” as a whole:

-  Salimzhuarov G.G. - Head of Distribution and Sales Division - member of the Management Board of Samruk-Energy JSC;

- Duisenbekova A.E. - Head of the Distribution and Sales Department for Work with Subsidiaries and Affiliates of Samruk-Energy JSC.

3. To elect G.G. Salimzhuarov as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company.